What We Wore 10.04.18

It is almost fall break over here, and we are spending the morning at my son’s school watching the talent show!! Y’all…these kids are so stinking cute!! And so very brave!

They get right up in front of the entire elementary school and perform. My little nugget is singing and dancing to Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons. Feeling a little mama pride this morning because I know he will kill it in his own way! And I am just proud of his bravery! 🙂

Last weekend, we checked out Oktoberfest on the McKinney Square! This was not our first rodeo but definitely one of the most crowded ones we have been to in all of our years in Dallas! So fun and brews, brats, and babies everywhere! The kids even rode their first roller coasters! Super fun! This camo dress was perfect for checking out all the food and fun!

What are your plans this weekend?



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Thank you!  – K&C


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