Four Ingredient Egg Salad


You were overzealous with your egg dyeing….three dozen eggs for two kids to be exact! Now what? Hello!! Egg salad….not a fan?? Well, not until today! I have a recipe that will make even the most skeptical egg salad aficionados begging for more!

First, I peeled four of my lovely pastel dyed eggs. They were so fun to hunt!! Did your kiddos hunt eggs? Or did you as an adult? Sometimes those are the most fun!! Or do you just use candy eggs? This year, we stuck to totally traditional with real eggs!….and maybe ten dozen confetti eggs, too. 🙂


Okay…eggs peeled…check! Now, chop your eggs into small pieces.


Then, I like to add Dijon mustard, mayo….Duke’s Mayo…no other options in my book!, dill, and bacon. Mix it all up and serve with a fruit salad. Yum! Salty and a little tangy!

Here is my recipe! Serves two people!

4 hard boiled eggs
2 TBS of Dijon mustard
2 TBS of Dukes mayonnaise
2 tsp of dried dill

Drop four eggs into boiling water…well, set in boiling water. Cover with a lid and turn off the heat. Let sit for 15 minutes for perfect hard-boiled eggs. Thank you, Martha Stewart! Then put your eggs in ice water to cool for about two minutes. Peel shells and chop into small pieces. Place in a bowl and add Dijon mustard, mayo, and dill. Mix and serve immediately!

I like mine plain, but it would be delicious served with really grainy whole wheat bread!

Everyone has their own recipe! How do you like your egg salad?

